Coronavirus Check In

How are you doing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? How are you adjusting to new societal norms? Things feel uncertain but it will eventually get better. Although life as we know it has changed below are a few tips to help combat cabin fever as we continue to practice social distancing.

● Establish a Routine, whether you are working from home or monitoring online school work. Schedules are essential to keeping stress levels down and maintaining a feeling of “normal”.

● Game Night/Movie Night, strengthen relationships with quality. Use technology to remove distance barriers.

● Clean House, we all spend time avoiding things we don’t enjoy doing. Use this stay at home order to get caught up on household cleaning and organizing.

● Vitamin D, we all need a daily dose of sunlight. Whether you stand on your porch, look out the window, or stand on the sidewalk. Be sure to catch the sun.

● Pinterest, endless ideas at all skill levels. Why not try a new recipe or a ten day exercise challenge. Whatever you are looking for it’s there. While these suggestions may not eliminate all feelings of boredom these tips are sure to get you active.